From weather to technology

What a wonderful, beautiful day. It’s sunny and WINDY, and it looks like clouds are coming in. Weather says possible thunderstorms, which are always fun! The weather is such an interesting thing – it’s so wild and unpredictable for the most part, and yet we have just enough of a grasp on how it works to be dangerous. We sometimes plan entire days, or vacations, based on what the guy on TV or radio says. Sure, he’s got sophisticated equipment that helps him see patterns, and training and experience that helps him identify those patterns.

But really. They’re just guessing, based on past behaviours and things that look similar. It’s amazing to me that in this day and age, with computers having evolved and permeated our lives, that we still must guess at what nature intends. I’ll bet God gets a chuckle about that one!

Speaking of computers, here’s an interesting question given all the negative media coverage about computers (from virus scares to hackers to identity theft to stupidity…) – are computers on the rise or decline in useage? Are we better off with or without them? How often do you use a computer in your daily life? How about at work? How often do you have to do something other than basic email or Office tasks? What about computers in education? Many people I know went through either Computer Science (CSC) or Engineering – what’s your guy’s opinions about computers and CS? Is it worthwhile to have those formally taught, or is it more practical to learn on the job? How much more difficult would it make it if there WAS no formal training at the college level (with the exception of tech colleges…) to land and hold a position? What did you learn in college that made those classes and programs worth while? Do you think employers are more likely to respect either individuals or institutions that have or provide that training?

Seriously, leave some feedback on this, would you? I’m curious now.

Anyway, what a tangent!

It’s about freakin’ time….

Well. What a record, huh? Here I was going to blog and update my site a bunch, and I haven’t hardly touched it – really at all – in what must be close to a year. And then today, while home with stomach gross-ness, I release an update. So I figure I should blog a new entry here too. Just to see how long it takes people to notice, I suppose.

So yeah, I’ve updated the site. Added some photos – there WILL be many, many more to come as I’m a “bit” of a shutterbug and have hundreds of photos. I’ve GOT to get something else productive done today, however (even though this DID flush out several useability bugs that I’ve needed to get to for quite some time….).

For those of you who haven’t been in on the latest news, here’s some of the last year in a nutshell (I’ll probably blog more on these here soon in the future…plus, you can always join the mailing list to receive “Tindall Updates” as they get sent out, which really isn’t all that often…).

To start with, the big news – Janene and I …. bought a store. Along with Janene’s parents, Don and Esther Cunningham. We purchased The Weed Patch in Country Village, which is located in Bothell, Washington. We closed the deal on September 9th, and were honored to have the Moe’s bring us dinner and be our first purchase. Actually, if memory serves, Andy bought us a congratulations card. 🙂

Secondly, Janene is starting to push herself more as an artist (check out her website!), and is also starting to sell art supplies online, along with her finished art. This is a very exciting thing for us both! At the end of March we’re attending a class and then an art conference called ArtFest. While Janene is in classes, I will be working on various projects, sleeping, and exploring with his new camera.

Oh yeah, I got a new camera. It’s a Canon Digital Rebel XT – it’s VERY cool, and I have lots and LOTS of new pictures… Keep an eye on the gallery for updates, whenever they happen.

Seasonal Essentials is kind of rolling into the store now, so if you’re looking for SE products come up to the shop. We’re still getting new labels done, and working on display and stuff for the SE products, so they’re not all out – if there’s something you REALLY want, call Chris to make sure it’s up at the store.

That’s it, for now. Well, there’s more, but I’ll save those for a later post.

Possibilities of Change.

It is absolutely amazing to me, the passage of time. One moment I’m in high school, playing basketball. The next, I’m married – for two and a half years! I have two businesses and a passionate hobby, which I sure wish would make some money somewhere along the way.
I have a wife who loves me, despite my flaky brain, despite my confusion about life, despite my lack of direction.

I have a brother who is getting married in a week and a half, to a wonderful woman who will hopefully love him as my wife loves me.

I open my eyes and look around me, and I see confused and unhappy people. I see people locked into a life unaware of how the heck they got there. I see people beaten down by the “realities” of this world.

I put on my glasses, and I see people who LOVE their life. Who have a solid marriage, and wonderful families. Who have friends that have passed the tests of fire that are the proving grounds of all REAL friendships. I see people who actually like their jobs, and know that they are making a difference. I see people who make the world a better place, every single day, simply by being alive.

I look around, and I realize that whatever limitations society drills into us, what REALLY matters is how we LET ourselves be limited. We all fit into a box, regardless of our walk in life, our faith, our relationships, our upbringing, our culture – and that box is the box that we believe we are in.

What if we could just decide not to live in those boxes any more? What possibilities would open up before our eyes? Where would our HEARTS take us, if our brains didn’t limit our accomplishments, our courage, and our soul? What if we could say “THIS is who I am, and THIS is how I want to live, and nothing is going to stand in my way” – and then to have things come together that way?

I’m not saying this is possible. There are very real limitations to life, like the requirements of eating, and sleeping, and surviving. But perhaps it’s time to look at our options differently. Would we be happier living with less money, and less material wealth? Could we have a job doing something we really wanted to do if we would be willing to step out and take a risk and make it happen? What if we were able to say “$%(*$%(*#$%(* THIS!” – and move on?
I read an article a while back about a couple that gave up everything they had to live in the country and make soap. If you know me personally, this might be a note of humor for you, seeing as how I (along with my wife Janene and mom-in-law Esther) have a business making soap, and I’d give my left … nevermind … to move out into the country and away from the insane life of the city. Anyway, this couple was doing quite well, and were on their way “up” – according to the standards that seem to be pretty much universally accepted in America for success. The problem? They weren’t happy. Their heart chords were not being played; their souls were restless and out of touch with their lives. They gave up their careers, their security, and everything they knew – to live a life of close to paycheck-to-paycheck existence – doing something they loved.

How refreshing! How inspiring! What they found, I believe, is what so many search for their entire lives without finding – and that is true freedom. Freedom from material lusts. Freedom from the stress of a pace of life that I believe will lead to earlier and earlier deaths in our society. Freedom from the unhappy grind they found themselves in. What did they REALLY give up, in contrast to what they gained? I may never know, in their case, since I just read about them.

But having examined myself, I have finally figured out a few things about life, I think.
I know that my happiest moments are when friends and family are around, and having fun or working together. I know that I am happy dreaming things into existance, and working to make them a reality. I know that I dream of living a life in the country, and working from my home, with my family. I know that have yet to find a “traditional” job that fulfilled my need to be a part of something important, and that I have yet to be happy in any “traditional” job that I have held. I know that I have friends who will always be there for me. I know that I have family that will always love me. I know that I am a total screw up, but that God still accepts me and tells me that it’s ok – again. I know that I am going to Heaven when I die. I know that I need to leave this earth in a better place then when I found it. I know that I take risks – and I am ok with that. I know that I look at life differently, but I believe that makes me a stronger person. I know that I am creative, and technical, and people oriented, and that I can do anything I believe I can do.

What do you believe? Who are you? Are you happy? What have you sacrificed for your job, your life, your toys? Was it worth it? Was your marriage, or your self respect, or your health, or your inner child, or you sense of wonder, or your sense of worth, or you faith – was it worth it, the path that you chose? Do you even KNOW what the cost has been?
I would encourage everyone to think outside the box. Ask yourself the question “If I could do anything, be anybody, build anything, go anywhere – what would my choices be?” – and then ask yourself what’s holding you back.

Is it money? If it is, how are you spending your money? Is your house too big? Do you eat out too much? Do you have a ridiculously expensive car? Stop making excuses! There are excuses for EVERYTHING. You will only free yourself if you STOP making excuses and take some responsibility for your life. Take OWNERSHIP of your decisions. Sell your house, buy something smaller that will allow you to save your money. You don’t REALLY need that new TV / Computer / Car / Camera / Boat / Bike …. Every time you see something that you just “have to have” – remember your answer to that question – and weigh the options. If you HAVE to spend money, set up a bank account – in a totally different bank from your regular account – and every time you feel the urge to spend money, put that amount (don’t forget taxes!) into your seperate account.

Is it time? If it is, how are you spending it? Are you discouraged, as I often get, over the amount of time that you work? Look at your choices! I work now because what I am doing I firmly believe will allow me to live the kind of life I want to live – in the country, with my family. And I know that this is temporary, and it will pass. But it may be different for you – if it is, think about taking a risk and doing what you’ve always wanted to do! Research it – what will it take? Work towards that goal, and realize that for every problem there are infinite solutions – if one doesn’t work (to quote a GREAT book called “The Art of Possibility”) – well then, “How Fascinating!” – try another!

Is it kids? If it is, ask yourself how you can serve THEIR interests best, before your own. Is there still room to make changes to your life so that you can be happy, and so that you can pursue your dreams? Kids are an AWESOME responsibility, and once you have accepted that responsibility it is imparitive that you live up to it – everything that you do, you should do that they might have a chance at living the life that they dream of. Encourage them, teach them, and love them.

Is it where you live? Where you work? All these things can be changed! The greatest adversary to change is fear. The greatest cause of failure for change is lack of flexibility – if you want it bad enough, if you can look at what will be sacrificed and determine that it’s worth it, you can find a way.

ho hum, holy CRAP.

Wow. What a month March has been already!

Let’s see – today is the 19th, and so far we’ve had a baby born to some of our best friends and a killer bachelor party for my brother, Jon. Those two events alone are just incredible – but the month isn’t over yet!

I had the opportunity to head to Camp Casey on Whidbey Island with Janene and some of our other best friends a week or two ago – I desperately needed the away time, and it was absolutely wonderful. The weather was sunny but cool with the breeze; we just hung out and relaxed. It was great – I look forward to doing that again sometime soon.
On the 30th Janene and I leave for ArtFest, a conference / workshop for artists. It’s at Fort Warden in Port Townsend. Should be fun. While Janene’s off doing artsy things, I’m hoping to have super productive work time – I’m so far behind on things it’s literally making me physically ill (the stress), so having some good, uninterrupted time in a nice (and new) environment should help me to finish some things up.

It’s funny. I finally have a moment to blog (since I’m too tired after the all night gaming party that was the bachelor party for Jon) and I’m just not in the mood. Oh well. Maybe I’ll go do brainless things online. That’s sounding like a good plan.

Good grief.

Well. I suppose this year isn’t going quite the way I anticipated it would. Things have been…busy. Busier than they were for most of last year, actually.

All that to say, I guess I’m not updating this stuff nearly as often as I’d like. All my thoughts are going unrecorded, and lost forever. Oh well.

Read an interesting article, oh, several weeks ago. It’s still up, I just checked. It’s all about cars and computer chips, and how cars’ll be driving themselves by 2040.

In other general thoughts…hm. I don’t have any other general thoughts. All I’ve done is freakin’ work.

The new content management system and it’s partner, the resource management system are almost finished and ready to deploy on several sites. They’ll also get packaged up and sold to new customers, too. They really are quite cool, but I think it’s a sad thing when the coolest thing you have to talk about is a way for people to update their website.

It’s raining though – finally. Oh Boy, have I MISSED the rain. Geez. I’m nervous about this summer – I don’t like the heat, and it’s supposed to be the hottest in history. I mean, it’s still February and easily short weather. In Seattle, that’s BAD.

Noticed my bandwidth is being used faster. Hopefully that means that people are enjoying the humor stuff. Which is pretty much the only stuff that’s up right now. Although the new photo gallery module is basically done (minus some little tweaks) so I’ll be releasing that soon on here and uploading tons and tons of photos. Like 10 years worth. 🙂 Thanks to Mr. Moe ( for his .php help on the upload utility.

The new version of (v4.0) is coming along well, although I probably won’t get to finish it up this week, again. Working on several client sites, trying to finish three or four MAJOR modules and technology pieces, and then having to go in for Jury Duty starting tomorrow means that a) LATE nights this next week, and b) no time for… Which sucks, as there’s several people – from radio stations to churches to individuals – who are waiting for the new version. Of course, if I had any FUNDING, then I could work on that full time and stop trying to get more web clients.

Speaking of, I’m getting much, MUCH closer to releasing several web package deals that really are pretty amazing. Way beyond most of what I’ve seen out there thus far, with a couple of exceptions. So if you’re looking for a website for pretty much anything, definitely drop me a note and let’s chat.

Dangit. Stopped raining. *sigh*

The new Seasonal Essentials site will be going live in the next couple of weeks. Be sure to keep an eye either here or on it, and I’ll keep you updated. It will have a brand new resource section, several new features and a ton of new backend stuff. Which won’t matter to you all that much, but boy – it’s nice for those of us administrating a site.

Before SE goes live, though, there’s several big pieces to rework (product ingredients, for example) because I had to change the database and that changed the way it all fit together. I’m hoping that Janene will have some time in the evenings to work through those issues, ’cause I’ve got a couple of clients I just HAVE to get going. Dawn, if you’re reading this (which would be very strange…) – I’m working with the server people and your site should be up momentarily. Bobby, you’re new site is gonna kick some serious … cheek. Hope you’re having a great trip and getting a lot of new content ready!

Signing off now; time to get back to work.

January Examination

It’s now early February, and time to look back over January to assess how the month went.

Life & Love:

We managed to see friends a time or two, which of course is always fun.

Janene is still enjoying ballet, although it’s getting tougher for her to keep up since she’s only in class once a week, compared to some of the other gals that are in two or more times a week.

We had an absolutetly AMAZING time up at Camp Casey, on Whidbey Island during a spontaneous Sunday outing. In addition to perfect soup and bread at Knead and Feed, a beautiful drive, stunning weather (both rain and shine), a car nap by the ocean, and a spectacular sunset, we had the opportunity to watch and photograph an entire herd of deer. Out on Camp Casey’s parade grounds were 13 deer, including a 2-point buck and a second buck just sprouting (they gave us the added pleasure of play fighting – we could hear their antlers connect – it was awesome!). That was the first time either of us had seen that many deer all together, and it was really neat.It was a perfect day together, and one that I will cherish for some time to come.

We also got to spend a weekend at my parent’s place, playing games and watching movies and eating far too much. It was a wonderful, relaxing time – and I even managed to cram some work in during movies and get the new Seattle Pacific University Computer Science website developed and up for testing. Keep your eyes on in the next several weeks for the official release.

Janene and I spent several enjoyable evenings & date nights relaxing at Starbucks or cruising around Snohomish / Monroe.

Overall, life has really improved this last January.

We’ve managed to clean and organize a bunch, so life is more structured which really helps me, and I know it helps Janene even more. We even got her “Art Studio” organized and cleaned, and she’s been spending a few hours a week there creating art. I’m hoping that she can really start to turn out some creative pieces that she can sell – she’s so amazingly talented and passionate about her art that I think she could do quite well as a full time artist.


Work has continued to be all consuming, but this time with a purpose.

I am working with Jon Haarstad, a friend in Portland whom I have worked on A Higher Standard with (the Christian Technology stuff, such as, on a joint web design project. Essentially, we are combining forces to offer superior design, technology, and service, in an attempt to share the load and accept more clients and bigger clients. In order to launch our strategy, I must finish several significant technology pieces on the database and administrative side of things. It’s quite strange to me, a former designer who loathed coding, to be in the position of providing all the application logic and management, and have my partner provide all the design work and UI stuff. But I am extremely excited about both the possibilities that abound as well as the prospect of getting my hands dirty with Jon again. You can check out Jon’s Design House site at – although he IS in the process of a total revamp of the site and I’m not certain of the timeline.

We had an investor presentation scheduled for February 22nd to present AHS to a group of investors. We’re looking for up to $8 million in startup capital, so we were extremely excited about giving this presentation. It has sense fallen through, which was a mixed blessing, as I got summoned for Jury duty and they refused to excuse me because apparantly giving a presentation that was a year in the making and could make or break your intended livelihood isn’t a valid excuse for missing jury duty. I tell ya – I don’t care who the sucker is or what they did, I’m voting for the freakin’ chair.

Seasonal Essentials had it’s first online order, and from a complete stranger, no less! It was very exciting, especially since I didn’t think that the technology would allow someone to actually complete the order process. Our goal within the next few months is to really get the web sales going, to the point that we’re bringing in an average of 5 sales a day. Additionally, we’re starting a couple of new programs up. One is our Business Advertising Program, which allows businesses to purchase our product with a custom label and turn around and mail them off as advertising for their company. The second is a “party” favor program, targeted specifically at weddings and wedding showers, but also at baby showers, anniversary parties, corporate functions, etc. We’ll be offering several of our products as potential favors, complete with custom labels. Keep your eyes on for more information and an official release date for that program. If you’re interested in more details now, email me at chris @ seasonal – [broken up to prevent harvesting…]

Speaking of, we’ve got a new look at the moment (and it will be changing again for early spring in the next few weeks – which is funny because as I sit here and write this everything is covered with a thick snow…). I’m working “feverishly” to finish up several significant bug fixes, streamline the ordering process, and release some new technology. We’re looking for people who are interested to start writing some content for our resources database. If this intrigues you, you can email me at that same address for more information. We’re also looking for people to test our site by using it and noting all the problem areas, as well as what you like – if you’re interested….

Other “work” things that have happened this last month include the start of a new site, with an updated look and current information and pricing, as well as full demos of all our packages.

Janene’s site was “released” this last month as well, although she’s still writing content and all that so there’s very little there. If you want to check it out anyway, the url is:

Around Us:

So if you haven’t heard, both Ryan-Bob and Grahame McMaster and Andy and Holly Moe have given in and are pregnant. Grahame is due first, and Holly second. And no, we’re not giving in to the pressure, yet. I assure you, dear readers, you won’t be the first to know. But you will be up there, as I’m sure I won’t be able to contain my excitement… 🙂

We attempted to start playing Friday Night Basketball again this past friday night. Good thing that only two of us showed, though – the gym we were intending to use is closed for open gym until early April due to little league basketball. I tell ya – it’s embarassing when those little dudes play better than you do.

Moving right along.

Resolution Examination:

Given how many things I DIDN’T work on even a little this last month (sleeping regularly, eating better, no fast food, exercising, etc) I think perhaps I’ll only mention those things I DID work on, as the list is going to be MUCH shorter…

  1. Take a Sabbath every week. It hasn’t always been Sunday, and it hasn’t always been an entire day, but thus far I have most definitely relaxed much more this year than I did the last two years combined. That’s a good thing.
  2. Pay bills on time. Ok, I can’t take much credit for this, since Janene takes care of remembering the bills (she actually enjoys that stuff!), but I think we’re doing really well on this note.
  3. Focus on one business… Well, it’s actually two, but eventually one will be a secondary income and one will be full time; at least I’m not focusing on 20 different ideas and things. What a freakin’ relief.
  4. Develop a “Life Plan” – Janene and I talked some about this and what it entails, and go the ball rolling on figuring some stuff out. A good start, I must say.
  5. Improve Communication Skills: It sure SEEMS like things have been better; I know I have much to learn and develop, but I do think that at least some level of progress was made here.
  6. Set boundaries: I’m definitely doing this more. I’m saying no to things that I just can’t afford to do, whether it be work or favors or whatever. There’s a fine line that I’m learning to see between being secluded from life and friends, and being your own person within life and friends. Good lessons.
  7. Keep apt. Clean and Organized. Ok, so you couldn’t tell it if you walked in our front door right now, but overall this actually has mostly happened. We’ve still got several things to finish cleaning and organizing, such as the bedroom and office, but for the most part things have REALLY improved, and it’s definitely less stressful. Feng Shui? I donno, but I’ve certainly been more productive.
  8. Manage my time better. I’m improving, I’ll say that. I’m also learning what I need to do to be more effective with my time, to make better use of it. Like writing this blog instead of working on what I need to be working on. A perfect example.

Other things that have at least been addressed this last month:Watching our money, helping Jon and Alia with wedding stuff, keep calendar and schedule up to date, write Tindall Update (we wrote it, we just never go around to sending it.. I guess that’s the next step for February…)…

Ok. I don’t feel like going through this whole list right now. Maybe I’ll update this later.

I think I’m going to work now. Keep your eyes on things! 🙂

Stupid Christians.

So I sit here at Starbucks, working away (which I truly enjoy; I go to the Starbucks in Kenmore, sit facing the fireplace, drink a hot chocolate and work the morning away. Very productive.), and doing my best trying not to be disgusted at the group of Christian women sitting next to me.

Why? It’s simple. As they sit here, quoting and reading from the Bible, they are talking HORRIBLY about another gal whom they are apparently having problems with. Mind you, this gal isn’t here to defend herself. And what would appear to be a friently gathering of women around the Bible is in reality a gossip session with what appears (based on their conversation and conclusions / plan of action) to be malicious intent.

Now, I understand perfectly that there are usually political and personal issues in any group, even a group of Christians. I understand that there are people who don’t fit in, or who create “rifts” within the group. And I understand that upon rare occassions, these issues grow to a point where they need to be addressed and dealt with.

But good grief, do it appropriately. Don’t take everyone in the group but the problem person to Starbucks and then bash, trash, and condemn them. Don’t be loud and obnoxious about it. And sure as hell don’t quote and read from the Bible to justify yourselves. I’m pretty sure . . . about 100% . . . that Jesus never intended the Bible to be used that way. Of course, I’m also sure that He would be disgusted over the basic behavior that just went on. And He’d be broken hearted to see the reactions of the other patrons of Starbucks.

No wonder Christianity has a bad name. No wonder some of the things that are happening are actually happening. No wonder people are sick of the “self righteousness” of Christians.

I’M a Christian, and it made ME want to crawl into a hole and hide. Satan couldn’t have done a better job himself of making us look hateful and spiteful and unforgiving.

By all means, grow and deal with the issues that need to be dealt with. But perhaps, if your intent is not to truly deal with the issue but to castrate someone, it would be better for the rest of the world if you did it in the privacy of your own toilet.


i LOVE the rain. I love it, and just about everything about it. Actually, the only thing I really DON’T like about the rain is the way people drive in it. But honestly, I just hate the way people drive, period. That’s another subject.

I love the way rain sounds, and smells. I love the feel of the air, and of being outside, especially immediately before and immediately after it rains. I love the comfort of being inside when it’s pouring – exceptionally cool is to be inside with friends and loved ones. I love the fresh feeling that rain lends to everything.

I know that many find grey skies and rain clouds depressing and ugh, but I truly look forward to the rainy season. Yes, even Seattle has a rainy season. It doesn’t rain NEARLY enough during the summers here. Indeed, summer is my least favorite time of the year – and even then I definitely enjoy it.

Give me rain any day of the year, and make me happy!

I love technology, I hate technology.

In some ways, technology is absolutely freakin’ cool.

For example, here I am, on a rainy tuesday evening, sitting in UDistrict of Seattle in the car, waiting for Janene who is in ballet.

And I’m online. Because someone around here has a nice wireless internet connection not properly secured. Of course, it COULD be the church (UPres) I’m sitting next to, but whatever.

Anyway, technology is pretty amazing stuff. It has the power, as a tool, to transform the lives of everyone it touches. We can communicate on a level never before seen in history. We can also waste time on pretty much that same level, with the added bonus of being out of shape ’cause we just sit in front of machines all our lives.

And with everything going for it, and despite the fact that God has granted me a gift with it, I hate technology. I hate the way we are slaves to it (as a society / world as a whole). I hate the fact that more and more of us (Americans, especially) are dying earlier than our time and are so stinkin’ out of shape. I hate technology. I would truly enjoy doing away with technology, with slowing life down to the point it’s manageable, with getting exercise and getting in shape.

Of course, all that said – I’m probably stuck with technology, with this love / hate relationship. I’m good at it, I enjoy it sometimes, and let’s face it – I AM a web designer.

Shameless Plug for Seasonal Essentials

I’d like to take a moment talk a moment about “my” company. Janene and I, along with Janene’s mom Esther, have a company named Seasonal Essentials. We make natural handmade soaps (in 37 scents total!), as well as natural bath and body products. We currently offer six “nearly natural” scents of our bath and body products. Apricot Freesia, Cucumber, Lemon Verbena, Milk and Honey, Pink Grapefruit, and Sun-Ripened Raspberry. We also offer four 100% Natural scents: Lavender, Lemon Zinger, Passion Flower, and Unscented. Our bath and body products include lotion, body spray, bath gel, and bath salts. We also offer shea butter (lavender scented and unscented) and lip balms (cocoa mint, lanolin, vanilla honey).

Check out our website for Natural Handmade Soap, Bath & Body Products :: Seasonal Essentials

We pride ourselves on the quality of our products, as well as on our goals of how to live life. We’d love to hear your thoughts on life: what it means to live a fulfilling life, what a simple life means to you, what is important in your life. Keep your eyes on our website for Natural Handmade Soap, Bath & Body Products :: Seasonal Essentials for the release of our resource database!

New Years Goals.

No, they’re not resolutions – those have a tendency to never work. They’re goals, things to do and accomplish throughout this year. Here’s my list: What’s on yours?

New Year’s Resolutions for Chris, 2005; Edited Version

  1. Significant Lifestyle Change

    1. Exercise minimum of 2x / week
    2. Eat a balanced, healthy diet
    3. No more fast food
    4. Sleep a solid night´s sleep (7.5 – 8.5) every night
    5. Work a 40 hour work week with very few exceptions
    6. Drop weight to 175 – 180
    1. Blog 1/ week (yeah yeah, I know…)
    2. Develop photography resources
    3. finish photo gallery software, develop personal gallery
  3. Attend church every week
  4. Take a sabbath every week
  5. Pay off owed money
  6. Pay bills on time
  7. Focus on one main business
  8. Develop a “Life Plan”
  9. Purchase a house, on land, with business / income opportunities
  10. Purchase a Digital SLR (EOS 1Ds Mark II) (or Nikon D70) – Realistically (? – Digital Rebel)
  11. Purchase a mountain bike
  12. Study Photography

    1. History and Technology
    2. Styles
    3. General Rules
    4. Mechanics of a Camera
    5. Technical and Compositional Issues
    6. Famous Photographers
  13. Improve communication skills
  14. Set boundaries in my life: personal, business, relationships
  15. Keep apartment clean and organized at all times
  16. Manage my time better
  17. Manager our money better
  18. Keep Calendar and Schedule up-to-date (thanks for the Zire Mom and Dad!)
  19. Write “Tindall Update” once / month
  20. Renew “lost” relationships and nurture all relationships
  21. Help Jon and Alia with any wedding items / tasks possible
  22. Learn to:

    1. simplify life
    2. Be Patient and Content
    3. Build / Repair facilities
    4. Garden / take care of property
  23. Learn something new and unique about Janene at least once / week
  24. Show Janene my love every day
  25. Surprise Janene at least once a month
  26. Help Janene grow
  27. Become the spiritual leader of the home
  28. Journal every day
  29. Shut up and listen, and don´t always try to solve the problem
  30. Have all gifts made or purchased one month before the event
  31. Finish all contracts in January; then only accept full paying contracts
  32. Develop Seasonal Essentials to a point that it can support the partners full time, including facilities and expenses
  33. Order our wedding picture reprints (yeah, we STILL haven´t done that…)
  34. Frame our Vettriano paintings
  35. Make our wedding DVD
  36. Organize computer files and backup system regularly
  37. Become a better husband
  38. Take dance lessons, and develop awareness of my body and space
  39. Do one thing a month that challenges me or stretches me past my comfort zone
  40. Stop talking, start doing.
  41. Learn how to make books and journals, and then make some.
  42. Save $1500 towards a trip to Europe
  43. Hike Monte Cristo
  44. Sell Volvo
  45. Sell Dart
  46. Develop “Multiple Income Streams”
  47. Learn to draw people / portraits

A New Year

Can you feel it? It’s the start of a new year; it’s the feeling of anticipation of starting things fresh, of having yet another go at those resolutions and goals that you never got around to last year. It’s the feeling of renewal, of excitement, and of hope.

Yep. It’s now 2005, and if you missed that, well… let’s just say that perhaps you should resume your substance experimentation.

For the rest of us, happy new year, and welcome to 2005. As you can see I’ve made some rather significant changes to my blogging software; I’m now using’s integrated editor. It’s pretty slick, actually – with only some minor complaints and limitations which I’m sure there’s a work around for (but at this point I just don’t care.) This new stuff should make several people quite happy (yeah bob, that’d be you). You’ll no longer have to be signed in on to comment on the blogs, which is a pretty big deal for some of you, apparently. I’m also hoping to blog a little more often, and at least occasionally a little less “heavy”.

All that said, I hope you have a happy new year!