“Kara” Star Wars Fan Film
“Kara” | (2016) (An Unofficial Star Wars Film) from Joe Sill on Vimeo.
A Whitelist Production (www.whitelist.tv). KARA is a short fan film set in the Star Wars universe.
Written and Directed by: Joe Sill
Producer: Westin Ray
Executive Producer: Jerad Anderson
Head of Production: Nick Erickson
Andra Nechita
Peter Arpesella
Daniela Flynn
Head of Accounting: Natasha Seubert
1st Assistant Director: Trevor Stevens
2ndAssistant Director: Daniel Burke
Casting: Joe Sill & Westin Ray
Cinematographer: Nico Aguilar
Gaffer: Matt Blake
1st AC: Danilo Rodriguez & Daniel Demenezes
2nd AC: Brodin Plett
Key Grip: Jordan Kleinman
Still Photographer: Austin Ray
Wire Rigging Team: Nick Goehner, Marvin Francis, Luke Couce
Aerial Footage: Luc Delamare
DJI Ronin Operators: Cire Hensman, Stefan Vleming
Production Designer: Joe Weber
Art Director: Alex Shumate
Costume Designer: Robin Ray
Costume Assistant: Fern Ray
X-Wing Pilot Costume: Lisa Curtis Saunders
Makeup & Hair: Devan Weitzman
Costume Aging & Weathering: Devan Weitzman
Sound Designer: Jackie! Zhou
Production Sound: Kristian Hayden
Composer: Austin Ray
Visual Effects by: Joe Sill & Luc Delamare
Colorist: Andrew Finch
Dean Amstutz, Mark Kinsey, Victor Silva, Marcus Holt, Milton Hunt, Rob Csorba
Stuart Loui, Carrie Ann Caranci,Barry Chan, Mark Edwards
501st Legion
Imperial Sands Garrison
Ian Cook
Lesley Farquhar
Felipe Irigoyen
Merry & Jerry McIntyre
Bill Engler
Eric Elmore
Robin Elmore
Stuart Cram
Alex Lubow
Champ Robinson
Brian Tran
U.S. Dept. of the Interior
Bureau of Land Mgmt.
James T Wulfgar
Wulfgar Weapons
El Centro Field Office
Star Wars Original SFX by Benn Burtt
Screen Actors Guild