Sporadic is better than nothing….
The Country Village Merchants Association (CVMA) is up and running – the board (of which I am a part) meets once a week, and we’re really starting to get things rolling, even if it IS a little tough to gain momentum. We’ve got ALL kinds of projects on our plate that are just gonna be insane – but insanely cool, too.
Our house is starting to come together – this weekend we’ve done a bunch of unpacking and organizing, as a start. There’s still a whole bunch left to do, and then the fun starts as we actually get to make it a home and decorate and such.
We’ve moved Jon and Alia to their new place up north (by Mill Creek), and attended Jon’s Grand Opening at Jewelry Resource Supply – his store down in Fremont.
We’ve hired Holly Moe to do our books for the store, so that I don’t have to try to keep up with that. I’m SO excited – I HATE bookwork, and I never have time to keep up with it (or, if I did that, I’d never have time to do anything else…)
The next big projects that are coming up are also really big. We’re fencing in the back patio and putting tons of plants out there, as well as a seating area for the guys. We’re rebuilding the counter and rearranging the upper level of the store, and adding several pieces to the counter area. I will be finishing up the website and getting the ecommerce side of things working, as well as getting a photo gallery and perhaps a forum up. I need to finish Jon’s site, and get his import utility figured out so that he can import products directly from his existing Point of Sale software. I am working on a website for Country Pleasures Magazine, and need to finish that immediately (it’s coming, guys – I promise!). I need to get some pieces working for Janene as she starts prepping her site to sell her art and supplies.
There’s more, but oh well.
This coming Wednesday, the 31st, we’re going to see Les Miserables at the 5th Avenue Theater – I’m very excited, and I THINK Janene’s excited…. It’ll be a REAL LIVE date night, one where we’re not sitting here at home doing whatever – although that’s usually nice, too.
Ok. We’re off to meet my parent’s for breakfast at The Hub here in Snohomish, and then we’ve got massive things to do today. But that’s ok – that’s how it goes! 🙂 Soon we’ll be moved in and unpacked, there will be places for people to sit and relax and eat, and life will be good.