Welcome around the hearth, weary traveler. Sit back and enjoy a hearty meal, a stout drink, and the warmth of the fire, and listen to the tale of The Deli Crew.
The Deli Crew is currently so named as this particular party of heroes is comprised of a group of fantastic teens and young adults who (almost) all worked at the local Union Square Deli, which so happens to be located immediately next door to our own physical storefront here in Union, Washington out on beautiful Hood Canal.
The group started off with a couple of extra people who have since left the party for various reasons.
Within this little section of this online portal are session notes, details and backstories about the player characters, NPC information, maps / assets / handouts for the players themselves to reference…. So hop on in, and we all hope you enjoy the shenanigans.

Map of the Wilderness, Current Day

Jebeddo’s Letter
Jebeddo, Congratulations on your elevation to your new position at the camp. I know that our requirements are well known to you, but due to the miserable failure of the last agent in your position, I am sending you this notice so that there can be no questions as to...

The Riddle of the Tomb
The Riddle of the Tomb Amidst old giants, where the forest stands tall, Seek the path where ancient whispers call. Beneath the mountains' watchful eyes, To a hidden tomb, this riddle implies. Follow the river's serpentine flow, Where crystal waters gently glow....