Jebeddo’s Letter

Jebeddo’s Letter


Congratulations on your elevation to your new position at the camp.  I know that our requirements are well known to you, but due to the miserable failure of the last agent in your position, I am sending you this notice so that there can be no questions as to our requirements.

Your duties, in order of importance to our benefactor, and therefor to us, are as follows.

Find the location of the tomb.  Loot it.  Send everything as discussed below and keep nothing for yourselves.  Keep me posted on the progress of your search.  The rune stones that were delivered to you by our agents hold the key to opening the inner sanctum. There are still two we have been unable to locate, but the information we have gathered suggest that they may very well be located in the tomb itself.

Our benefactor has another agent in their employ in an area of the wilderness near you.   If anything is requested from your camp from this agent, you are to comply immediately and without question.

Harass and dissuade any travelers along the road, and create a general atmosphere of danger throughout the traveled paths of the wilderness.  Use the creatures under your command as you must to shut down the area.  Once the tomb has been located, we will re-evaluate our course of action with our benefactor.

Gather any wealth from said activities or that you have found in the area, and send it to me.  You may send it to our agent in Phandelver.  I will arrange a monthly transport via airship to the landing pad behind the camp.  Send any prisoners you capture in your tasks on the same airship.  This is a specific request from our benefactor.

Your pay has been set appropriately to your position.  Your crew will receive a 10% bonus paid monthly based on the resources you send to us via airship.

Jebeddo’s Letter

The Riddle of the Tomb

The Riddle of the Tomb

Amidst old giants, where the forest stands tall,

Seek the path where ancient whispers call.

Beneath the mountains’ watchful eyes,

To a hidden tomb, this riddle implies.

Follow the river’s serpentine flow,

Where crystal waters gently glow.

Through the woods of towering might,

But beware the land where death took its bite.

A peninsula cursed by shadows deep,

Where poisoned roots their secrets keep.

In swamps of decay, you must press on,

For the tomb’s embrace to be drawn.

In the heart of wilderness, it lies in wait,

The entrance to the tomb’s dark fate.

Crack the riddle, unveil the tomb’s womb,

And dare to enter the underworld’s gloom.

All About Dungeons and Dragons

Welcome to my little castle of Dungeons & Dragons!  This is my corner of the universe where I will share about my passion for D&D specifically, and TTRPG in general.  This section will have no real rhyme or reason other than to get my thoughts down. but I will also be building out some associated pages and categories for my various campaigns for anybody who cares to follow along.  Mostly I’m expecting my players to access this if they can’t make a session or if they need to look something up.  But it’ll be here for whoever.

Union Crew Journal – 2024-03-06

Union Crew Journal – 2024-03-06

The adventure starts!

The party finds themselves on a ship where they have each, individually, purchased passage to Stormwreck Isle. They spend some time getting to know each other, and spending time with the crew. Their first night is restful and uneventful.

Day two, towards the evening, finds the skies getting dark and stormy suddenly and out of nowhere. The crew is perplexed at how fast this came up. Shortly thereafter a merrow flings itself on to the deck of the ship and demands payment for passage, with the threat of sinking the ship if 400 wealth – gold or merchandise – isn’t relinquished.

The party spent a while negotiating and debating. They attempted to collect enough gold between them, and when they couldn’t, bobo continued to offer 4 or 5 gp instead of the 400. Things escalated, and Hildebrand confronted the captain and informed her that they needed to pay the tribute with the goods that the ship was hauling. The captain informed him that they would be better off at the bottom of the ocean than parting with the cargo, in the eyes of her employer. The rest of the party stayed out of the discussion.

In the meantime, bobo gave Iriness a dagger and they attempted to convince the merrow that the dagger was worth 200gp and would he accept that. A contestation of rolls resulted in Iriness successfully convincing a highly intelligent merrow that this 2gp dagger was worth 200gp and he happily took the dagger as payment and vanished over the side. The skies immediately cleared up.

The remainder of the evening and overnight was tense, since Hildebrand had confronted the captain. But the night passed uneventfully, and the next day broke early. They could eventually see the island, and as they sailed around it they could get glimpses of various landmarks.

As they entered the harbor, they could see a fierce battle between two dragons happening up over some sort of lighthouse or observatory

At the end of this battle, a lightning-bolt from the blue dragon hit the center of their ship and sent it almost immediately to the bottom of the sea; everybody was thrown clear.

The party woke up washed up on the beach an indeterminate time later. As they examined their surroundings, they noticed high up the cliff above them the temple they had seen from the ship. They decided to make their way up the path towards the temple to see what it was.

As they started walking up the trail, there was a gurgling, moaning and splashing sound from behind them. They turned and found 3 zombie coming up out of the water. With a shrug, the group just kept walking up the trail for a bit, easily outpacing the zombies. After a brief discussion, they decided to go take care of the zombies after all.

The battle progressed, with the eventual defeat of the zombies. Bobo sustained some damage when his armor failed to deflect a zombie claw attack.

From there, the group walked up the path. Part way up the path, the group is met by many kobold coming out of rooms that were carved into the side of the hill. They were dressed in simple robes, and were full of curiosity and questions. Eventually a elderly human woman dressed in simple robes came down the mountain and greeted them. She introduced herself as Runara, the head of Dragon’s Rest, which is what this little cloister is called. She thanked the group for defeating the zombies, and invited them to join for dinner and the evening, and to stay as long as their journey allowed.

This is where we left off for the evening.

Guild Crew Journal – 2024-02-17

Guild Crew Journal – 2024-02-17

Our first session with this crew. Since I’m (DM) not ready with all the details of the Adventurer Guild and such, I’m running a DM Dave one shot, Mission – The Lost Reliquary

The adventure started off with the adventurers answering a flyer posted around town. They all met for the first time when they arrived at the mansion at the 8pm time specified.

They ate well, got a very brief high energy introduction to what was going on, and then signed the contract, got a brief tour of the house, and then went out to the stable / carriage house to spend the night. There they consumed more, played some cards, and dozed off about 2:15am.

Come early dawn, about 6:15, they were awakened (Samuel Bennet was on watch) to sounds of panic and distress. They rushed through the property around the end of the house to find the goblin staff engaged in conflict with the giant zombie badgers – 4 still standing, 1 down without a head, and 3 more down and twitching.

2 of those got back up to keep fighting.

They team took on and defeated the zombie badgers, killing all of them, even while they were trying to drag some of the goblin servants out into the peat bog.

And that’s where we left off.

Deli Crew Journal – 2023-11-14

Deli Crew Journal – 2023-11-07

Starting to play on Tuesday nights, possibly, as weekends through the busy season are bad.  Tonight was very last minute.
Joel and Shea couldn’t make it. When they can make it, we’ll play at the Deli.  Otherwise at the house.
Started around 4:15 with Lexy and the kids; Orre showed up about 5.
Our evening started with the adventurers bunkering down for the night from our last session where they found a safe place to do so. They each took turns on watch and had a successful long rest. In the morning they all spent a fair amount of time pouring over the maps and discussing the Riddle and the clues. They spent some time examining the loot.
Specifically, Reo investigated the leather bound spellbook and discovered that it was indeed an empty spellbook as far as she could tell. They investigated the case of rings and successful arcana checks revealed that they knew that these were rings of feather fall. They also examined the scroll and Quelenna specifically was able to read that it was a scroll of protection from Fae, but they didn’t figure out how to open it.
They examined the round stone and were presented with the symbol that was on the stone. When Quelenna took the stone in her hand her entire body stiffened up and her eyes rolled back in her head and she went catatonic and experienced a vision. The vision was of the stone being taken off of a pillar somewhere on the homestead of her ancestor and it travelled through goblins and all over weird places. Eventually made its way through on waterfall and up a bunch of caverns and it crossed a lake where it was found in an empty boat by someone on the shore of an island and taken into a dark tower. The tower had strong dark magic. It was eventually set into a stone inside the tower where it lived for who knows how many centuries. Eventually there was fighting and dying in the tower and the stone was removed from its resting place and disappeared. The stone had visions of the faces of magic users and sporadic glimpses here and there of its surroundings and tell it came to be in the drawer on the airship, and then stolen by the team.  At this point Quelenna Amastacia  came out of her vision and was very weak and weary.
Shortly after this they became aware of faint sounds of howling and growling and barking which grew stronger and stronger as whatever this was came nearer. Everyone climbed a tree except for Zindan. 
5 goblins raced past riding worg, to disappear into the foothills to the north of the party. The party heard the goblins discussing something about “we think he went that way.” Shortly thereafter the party could hear the sounds of battle and of dying from where it sounded like the goblins had ridden. Gendithas, Zindan, and Reo decided to go investigate because they were hoping that it had been the owlbear, and Quelenna Amastacia , Luh Kranky Krank , and Elitacee decided to stay put. Shortly after the first group left there were signs and sounds of the search party from the airship and the bandit camp coming up through the forest so the second group decided to go after the first group post haste.
The first group reached the point where they found the goblins and their mounts completely destroyed and spread out in pools of blood throughout the hills along with a dead redcap-mpmm . Gendithas and  Zindan Immediately spread themselves out leaving Reo standing right in between them.  As the second team came out of the woods a short distance from the first group, a second redcap that had been hidden in the woods attacked straight towards Reo Grayrlock who managed to dodge out of the way. A battle ensued with the redcap losing appendages and going crazy and then being decapitated by Luh Kranky Krank .
As the battle was finishing up Luh Kranky Krank  looted the body, he was able to get the wicked sickle. Shortly thereafter they heard sounds of pursuit from the airship and bandit crew and they headed directly into the woods, with Gendithas in front casting Pass without a Trace.  They went deeper into the woods and started to hear bells. This was followed by sounds of more urgent pursuit or running away from the party that was following them, and then everything went silent after bells were heard again.
They kept walking in the forest went completely still, and they noticed bizarre creatures coming out of the woods and staring at them and ringing bells.  Elitacee  and Quelenna fell under the spell of these creatures and were charmed by them, and started making their way over to them.  The rest of the team responded – Reo and Luh Kranky Krank  both tried to stop Quelenna.  Reo failed, but Luh Kranky Krank  was able to restrain Quelenna and tie a rope around her.  As the creatures attacked and the battle ensued, Luh Kranky Krank  was also able to accomplish the same with Elitacee  and tie her to Quelenna with the same rope.  
A couple of the creatures fell in the battle, and then Quelenna and Elitacee  both were able to break free of the rope.  Shortly thereafter the creatures that had them charmed were killed, and they were free of the charm.  The four Eloko were eventually killed, and the party made its way north and out of the woods. 
From here, they found the decaying remains of a town, that appeared to have been a logging town at one point.  They found an old shipyard, where they found some piles covered in oilskin that were quite well preserved – both logs and dimensional lumber. 
They were able to stand on the shores of the river and look north and see other islands, one which looked like it had some sort of ruins.  They had Gendithas send the hawk he had bonded with for a look (they made very good use of this hawk to gather intel throughout the entire session).  The hawk reported that there was some sort of stone ruins on that island, but being a hawk it couldn’t tell them what.
Since it was almost 9:30, and everybody was tired, we wrapped it up with them in the shipyard deciding on their course of action.
Deli Crew Journal – 2023-11-14

Deli Crew Journal – 2023-10-21

After a long hiatus we met today. We played up at the alderbrook house at the dining room table. Ben, Savannah, Joel, Trail, and Lexy were all there. Met at 10:30 and finally got started about 11:15 or 11:30 maybe.

Started with a quick overview to catch Trail up on all of the sessions that he has missed.

Picking up from the last session it was roughly 7:00 at night and they started off at the edge of the woods at the river looking at the airship which had settled into the trees up the river at the crossing where they first went to the caverns and hid. They were able to see the mysterious cloaked figure in red up on the airship at the helm.

They were able to observe the layout of the ship and that it was not a balloon style airship but rather a significantly more rare magical airship. The ship was described and a little bit of a history of airships in this environment where giving including that they are very rare and the magic ones are the most rare. That they have a crew, they were able to see roughly 10 people up on the ship along with the figure in red. The ship was anchored with four lines coming down and touching trees on either end due to its length. Jeb and the bandit crew were there and working with the airship crew to track down the adventurers.

They watched a animated disagreement that resulted ultimately in the figure in red using some sort of magical something to blast another figure off the ship into the woods. At this point Jeb took a knee in deference to the person in red.

Jeb sent his crew out in five teams of two each up and down the river and into the forest in order to try to track down the adventurers.

After lots and lots of debate the team decided to try to get closer to see what else they could notice and eventually Gregornie decided he was going to climb up one of the tie down lines on to the deck and see what he could find. Reo Grayrlock used her boots spider climbing and carried Harry up the tree. They managed to stealthily all get onto the boat and avoid detection and proceeded to enter and search the captain’s quarters quite literally under the nose of the person in the red cloak.

In searching the desk they gathered 3 parchments of maps, along with various other items detailed in another section here. They also found some disgusting alcoholic beverage that Gregornie stole.

And going to leave Gregornie accidentally shut the door too hard and drew the attention of the person in red. Simultaneously Jeb saw the crew that had remained on the ground and heard the door slam up above and put two and two together and immediately started rushing up the rope ladder to get on to the ship. He started talking to the individual in red which masked the sounds of the loud three adventurers that were up above to get down to the ground and then flee.

They successfully evaded detection and made it further north until they found a safe spot to camp for the night.

Deli Crew Journal – 2023-11-14

Deli Crew Journal – 2023-08-17

The session started with morning breaking over camp and everyone waking up and coming to and finding that Precious had picked up his things and walked out of camp. The group then discussed with Gendithas Firpride and Zyndan what to do and what priorities were, with the NPCs saying that their priority was finding the owlbear but that they would be available and around if other things came up and they were together and their paths had not diverged.

From there they started walking towards the river and away from the camp. In the forest they were randomly attacked by four [[blink-dog]] , which they successfully defeated.

They arrived at the river and saw the airship hovering above a shallow crossing down the river. The group stayed in the trees under cover. And that’s where the session ended because Savannah was ill. It was dusk when they reached the river.

Deli Crew Journal – 2023-11-14

Deli Crew Journal – 2023-08-06

The party started up near the top of the pathway towards the airship platform clearing. The elf got healed immediately and then they realized they had to go back down into the main bandit camp in order to find and get Gregorornie the camel and they decided they wanted to search jeb’s cabin one more time.

They started in jeb’s cabin and found pretty much the remainder of the things that needed to be found including the Riddle, Reo took the cartographers kit, pen and ink set, spyglass, etc.

They successfully made it over to the “barn” / old mill, and found the camel. They also gathered up additional materials. They found barding that they modified and put on the camel, as well as 4 saddle bags (2 front, two back) that they put some of their newfound loot in.

From there, they heard the bandits returning to camp, so they rushed up and out into the woods from the airship.

They made their way towards the river. At one point after traveling for a few hours, they had 4 giant constrictor snakes drop out of the trees on them. Because they were with the Ranger, they were not surprised, and initiative was rolled.

Zindan had a snake land on her and immediately grapple her. Harry managed to dispatch one of the snakes in just a couple of rounds; Gendithas took another. Reo took one between her dagger and her claws ripping it in half, and Elitacee managed to grab the head of the 4th when it tried to strike, and pulled it apart in one round and then severed the head from the body over his knee on the second round.

From there they walked another hour until dusk, and found a small clearing where they made camp.

Harry spent the time to learn about his gloves. Reo spent the time to learn about her doll.

They still have no idea what the grey bag is…. 😉

Ended the session right before they wake up.

Deli Crew Journal – 2023-11-14

Deli Crew Journal – 2023-07-06

This session started off with Elitacee, Harry, and Precious in the cabin of Jeb, and Reo out in the woods still. While the three in the cabin were waiting for Jeb to come back or for something to happen they searched the cabin. They found the letter to Jeb outlining his priorities in being the leader of the bandit camp. They searched his desk and found a fair amount of information. They also found some loot. That list is to the side.

After a time of searching the cabin they tried to sneak out and ended up making enough noise that it attracted the attention of the guard that was talking to Jeb, and the guard on the other side of the camp. By this time Reo had looped back around the camp and climbed a tree in back and had a vantage point of what was going on. The guard with Jeb immediately ran towards the cabin with Jeb following at a slight distance, the guard across camp also headed towards the cabin. The three disappeared into the woods crashing loudly, but Harry managed to be silent and sneak around to the other side of where everyone else had gone and hid and waited. In the fight that ensued, Reo, who did not know that Jeb had been revealed as a good guy, shot him as he ran, from her perch in the tree. She barely wounded him but he dove into the bushes and hid which also allowed him to avoid being part of the fight. Harry ended up sneak attacking and killing the other male guard. In the meantime the female guard tried to round the corner and got shot by Reo and pulled back out of sight. Reo decided to come down the tree and move around to the other side and used her dash action to get around to the other side of the building. On the next round she was able to use her bow to shoot the bandit girl, who then backed around the corner of the building. At the same time she started to raise her voice to cry out and as it turns out got herself shot in the back by all three of the other members of the team before she was able to get out a shout. Both bandits are now down. Jeb comes out and is protected by the crew from Reo who doesn’t yet know what’s going on, and this is now explained to her period Jeb then informs them that up behind camp is a landing pad for an airship of the zhentarim who are coming to pick up prisoners and loot. The prisoners are part of kyries crew. Jeb asks the team to free the prisoners before nightfall when the airship arrives and then has them beat him severely until he’s basically unconscious which shaded with pleasure.

The team then goes up the wooded path to the back and explorers and finds no one there in terms of bandits, so they free the prisoners add dig through all of the loot gathering what they could take. That list will be off on the side as well.

The session ended with them debating what to do and headed back down towards the camp.

I did give an overview of the five main factions at work on the sword coast because that is basic information that the adventurers would have known, and they needed to recognize these in the logo on the letter to Jeb. They did find a signet ring belonging to Jeb hiding under his floorboards under his bed that had the same logo as Kiri’s signet ring further cementing Jeb as a plant into the bandit camp. The players do not know the extent of his involvement or what he’s actually trying to accomplish particularly. You can see the letter in the appropriate file that was sent to jab which describes his duties including finding and looting a tomb.