Deli Crew Journal – 2024-05-28
Started about 6:15. They started off talking outside the temple. The decided to go up to the top of the temple and examine the circle they saw from before. They studied the top of the temple, closing paying attention to the circles on the top. They immediately noticed that the three smaller circles had symbols of constellations in them – the archer, the chalice, and the dragon. The four in the party were able to manually turn the giant stone disks to align correctly. Then a hand print was revealed in the middle – Reo pulled Quelenna Amastacia over to it and put her hand on it – and the larger circle started to spin until it too was aligned correctly, and all the symbols of the elements lined up with each other. At that point, to the sounds of grating and clanking, the top of the temple started to sink down into the temple itself. It dropped roughly 10′ down, and aligned itself to a platform against one wall. That landing was the top of stairs that followed the walls all the way down the base of the interior of the temple. As they walked they noticed that there was a break in the wall that sat at about 8′ high, and stayed at a constant distance from the stairs all the way down. There were also sconces every 30′ along the walls. Reo reached over and stuck her torch in the wall, and flame shot both directions, lighting the oil that was in the recess, and lighting the sconces in the walls.
The inside of the temple is covered with vegetation; vines climb the walls to the very ceiling. As they descended the steps, they found that the steps were covered in moss and vegetation and was slippery. The party made their way down to the bottom of the steps. At the bottom of the steps they found a recessed nook, with the bust of an older elf druid. Draped over the bust was a set of pants and a top made of what appeared to be a very fine dark green silk. Quelenna Amastacia decided to try the clothing on, after examining the nook for traps. As she donned the clothing and then got dressed again, she had a feeling of peace and security that she didn’t have before.
While this was happening, Elitacee was absolutely enraptured with the central pillar that extended from the floor of the ceiling up to the ceiling (shy 10′, where the ceiling dropped down to). Something was calling to her from the pillar, and she couldn’t break her concentration. Reo Grayrlock noticed at the far side of the temple was a raised dais that had some sort of arch on it.
Elitacee started walking to the pillar, and Reo Grayrlock and Quelenna Amastacia joined her. They reached the pillar, and walked all the way around it. Quelenna Amastacia noticed some writing on the far side of the pillar, written in ancient elvish. This was the prophecy :
In the whispers of forgotten groves, where ancient trees sway to the rhythm of time’s eternal dance, there echoes a prophecy veiled in the mists of ages past.
“A trio of unlikely kin, bound by threads unseen,
One who reads the stars, one of metal’s gleam,
And she, a monk in guise of feline grace,
Seeking redemption in the shadows’ embrace.
Together they tread the path of strife,
Amidst the chaos of the mortal life.
In trials small and great, their strength they’ll find,
As shadows loom and allies wane in kind.
But as the tempest rages and darkness falls,
Their spirits soar, undeterred by fate’s cruel calls.
For in their unity, a power unseen unfurls,
To shape the destiny of worlds.
Through trials untold, they shall endure,
As allies rise and fall, in courage pure.
In their hands alone, the world’s salvation lies,
A beacon of hope beneath darkened skies.
So heed the whispers of the ancient boughs,
For in this trio, destiny vows.
In their journey’s end, the world shall see,
The light that blooms from unity.”
As she was reading this, Elitacee was focused on a point about 8′ high. She circled the pillar multiple times, finally reaching her hand up and trailing around with her hand on the pillar – eventually pushing her fingers hard enough to cause sparks across the pillar and leave char marks. She noticed her chest was getting hotter and hotter; there appeared a pulsing glow from up in the pillar, and a door slid open. Reo Grayrlock looked into the cavity that had opened and saw a 2″ metal ball that had crystal “studs” poking out of it. The ball was starting to spin and vibrate; Elitacee jumped up and grabbed the hole in the pillar and pulled herself up, and reached in and grabbed the metal ball, which felt warm. Unsure what to do with it, Elitacee placed it in her chest cavity – and nothing happened.
The party decided to move on and examine the dais. They spent about 10 minutes walking over to it, and found that it was raised up, had large willow trees at each corner, and at each end of the dais is an arch that is covered in some sort of writing or runes, but not any that anybody in the party can read.
After spending some time examining the dais, they decide to go see if they can find the source of the water that they are hearing. They walk along the outer wall for about 15 minutes and they find themselves (after having pushed through dense foliage and plants) standing at a crystal clear small lake, with a waterfall that is falling out of the temple wall.
From there Elitacee realized that what she had found was a docent – and that she needed to attune to it. So the crew decided to take a short rest to give her that opportunity, and to give Quelenna Amastacia the time to really examine her new clothing..
At the end of the attunement process, Elitacee heard a voice in her head, introducing Samuel The Docent to her. The crew spent some time getting to know Samuel The Docent, and attempted to have him interpret the writing on the arches, and then on the pillar, which he could not do. It however turned out that much of the writing on pillar was in druidic, which Quelenna Amastacia could read. The writing was a history of the war between He and She, and recounted battles and details far too numerous to get in to.
They finally decided to go explore the other end of the temple, where they had not yet been. They did so, and found an underground cavern that went down underneath the edge of the temple, and contained a library that was in amazingly perfect condition. [NOTE THAT I NEED TO FLUSH OUT BOOKS AND MATERIALS]
Leaving the library the decided to go back to the pond and waterfall and follow it through to see where it led – which was around the entire temple. down the wall in the corner they found an arch that led down a ramp under the temple wall, with a cave in of rocks blocking the way – they decided not to dig through that.
they returned to the library to see what they could study and find. And that’s where we left it – about 6 in the morning.