Should Christians Play Dungeons and Dragons? A List of Articles.
As both a member of our youth leadership team, and an avid D&D DM who runs multiple campaigns, I have many many conversations with parents (mostly) about whether Dungeons and Dragons is something that a Christian can – and should – play.
I’m formulating an actual post about this that will be released whenever I have time (so…..?) But for the moment:
Yes. I believe that Christians can – and SHOULD play Dungeons and Dragons. They should do it enthusiastically – but with intelligence and thought. Because – as with ANY hobby or activity – it CAN be problematic. There are definitely themes and content that can be contrary to Christian belief. It’s important to play with someone who is running a game that has the boundaries that you are comfortable with. I’ll elaborate more on that when I get my actual thoughts out.
But in the meantime, to help those that are looking, I thought it’d be helpful to post some links to articles that discuss this very thing. So without further ado, here we go.
More to come as I have a moment!