Should Christians Play Dungeons and Dragons? A List of Articles.

Should Christians Play Dungeons and Dragons? A List of Articles.

As both a member of our youth leadership team, and an avid D&D DM who runs multiple campaigns, I have many many conversations with parents (mostly) about whether Dungeons and Dragons is something that a Christian can – and should – play.  

I’m formulating an actual post about this that will be released whenever I have time (so…..?)  But for the moment:

Yes.  I believe that Christians can – and SHOULD play Dungeons and Dragons.  They should do it enthusiastically – but with intelligence and thought.  Because – as with ANY hobby or activity – it CAN be problematic.  There are definitely themes and content that can be contrary to Christian belief.  It’s important to play with someone who is running a game that has the boundaries that you are comfortable with.  I’ll elaborate more on that when I get my actual thoughts out.

But in the meantime, to help those that are looking, I thought it’d be helpful to post some links to articles that discuss this very thing.  So without further ado, here we go.


More to come as I have a moment!

All About Dungeons and Dragons

Welcome to my little castle of Dungeons & Dragons!  This is my corner of the universe where I will share about my passion for D&D specifically, and TTRPG in general.  This section will have no real rhyme or reason other than to get my thoughts down. but I will also be building out some associated pages and categories for my various campaigns for anybody who cares to follow along.  Mostly I’m expecting my players to access this if they can’t make a session or if they need to look something up.  But it’ll be here for whoever.