This was just fantastic… “Stasis”

STASIS from Christian Swegal on Vimeo.
In the future, an Ex-Soldier is placed in virtual exercises to cure his Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. In the simulations, he sees glimpses of a mysterious girl, presumably someone from his past. When a Stranger appears in his facility offering answers, the Soldier finds himself once again asked to kill, this time for her…

Starring Reshad Strik, Beau Bridges, Ernie Hudson, and Rachel Specter

Directed by Christian Swegal

Produced by Ian Colhoun

Written by Benjamin Murphy

Executive Produced by Adam Hendricks

Cinematography by Max Goldman

Production Design by Zach Matthews

Costume Design by Marta Villalobos

Sound Design by Jamie Hardt

Edited by Christian Swegal & Tom Muldoon

Music by Cyril Morin

Happy Father’s Day, dads!

Happy Father’s Day, dads!

Today is Father’s Day, and due to the craziness of life I’ve really been taking some time to think about a lot of things. One of the things that has hit me while I’m writing this is just how many absolutely amazing dad’s I have in my life, and how many dads – and papa’s – Ben has in his. God has blessed us so much, it’s just amazing. And so I’d like to dedicate this post to all the dads in MY life, and all those in Ben’s life, as well. The pictures I have here are merely a representation, and don’t even come close to doing justice to all those in my life who have had such a fantastic impact on me. I only hope and pray that I can live up to the billing that has been set before me, for Ben (and whatever other kids come down the road…and no, that’s not an announcement of any kind!)

To start, a couple of pictures of tribute to Great Grandpa Ed and Great Grandpa Harry, both of who went to be with our Heavenly Father this past year (2010). We all miss you dearly, but we know that this Father’s Day will be one of the greatest ever for you, and that makes us grin. 🙂

Another tribute, to my mentor and close friend Bobby Michaels, who passed away while on a missions trip. I miss you so much, and I wish you were here. I miss our talks, and your support and love – and absolute sillyness. But I know that you, too, are in Heaven having a party and worshiping your brains out, and while I still cry for you, too, I still grin every time I think of you.

Uncle Chris (Tootell), I know we never get to hook up, but know that I look up to you and value all your insight so much. I feel so privileged to be named after you, and to have you to look up to. You’re an amazing man of God and I appreciate you so much.

Papa Steve, you have been so amazing to us all, and I’m so glad to call you friend, dad, and neighbor! We are all so fortunate to have you there to guide us and share with us!

Uncle (brother!) Jon, you’re not a dad yet – but you’re one heck of an uncle and brother! I love you so much, and I look forward to being an uncle to your brood! I love how Ben asks to see you all the time, and how much fun you guys have.

And finally, for this post, Papa – not only did God bless me with an absolutely amazing man as dad, but he blessed Ben with a papa that just won’t quit! From loving on him to teaching him, to just snuggling and watching the sun set, you two make my heart smile every time I watch you together. I look forward to watching you and Ben grow up together… (*grin*)! I love you so much I don’t even know how to express it, so just know that, and know that every time I talk to you and see you it makes my day. Not to mention Ben’s…

To all the rest of you – my best friends and dad’s to Ben – I haven’t forgotten you, and I love each and every one of you dearly. It means the world to me to have you in my – and our – lives. I grow every time I’m around you, even if we’re just eating pizza and chillin. I love your families, and count them as my own, as I know you do ours.

Happy Father’s Day,

from me to you.