We have a baby boy!

Benjamin Michael Tindall was born at 4:51 am on Sunday, May 20th.
He weighed in at 9lbs 5oz, and was 20″ long.

Janene went into labor at 3am on Saturday morning. We were admitted to the hospital around 3pm. Janene’s total labor was 23 hours – plus 3 hours of solid pushing every 2-3 minutes. At the end of this ordeal the Drs decided that this guy just wasn’t going to come out without a c-section. So off to the OR it was, and a C-Section was performed. Really amazingly quick.

Since then, we’ve been at the hospital; Janene developed a fever (it hit 102.8 at one point) that got her onto antibiotics. Benjamin has a touch of jaundice, but is doing fine otherwise.

Today (22nd) was a very tough day – he was in a lot of pain, as all of his systems are still coming online (wow – I’m a nerd…). He’s had some stomach cramps that kept him from being comfortable most of the day.

Anyway, we’ll be posting photos on www.thetindallfamily.com as soon as we can – I was going to do that tonight, but the hospital limits what I can do through their wireless connection, and I can’t get in to any of my admin stuff. So tomorrow night it will hopefully be.

Speaking of tomorrow, we’ll probably be headed home tomorrow at some point. Please don’t just drop in on us, at least until we give the ok for that – we would LOVE to see everyone, but we need to pre-approve it via phone to make sure timing is ok. So call Chris’ cell and we’ll set a time to hang out! 🙂

On a side note, since Janene has had a C-Section, we will not be that mobile for a while, as she needs to heal. Chris will be sticking pretty much right at home for at least 2 weeks, as Janene can’t do much (she can do some, but overdoing it would be…BAD.)

Keep your eyes on www.thetindallfamily.com, and we’ll keep you updated! 🙂

Chris, Janene, Benjamin