We left about the same time as yesterday – unfortunately, I had forgotten that we DESPERATELY needed gas in the Cruiser, which threw a bit of a wrench in things. Enough so that Janene totally missed her bus – and since she had to leave work at 3:30 this afternoon to get up to Kenmore in enough time to get home before people showed up at our house, I took her in because a) it was my fault, b) it really helped her out, and c) it was an unusual day, time-wise.
It’s looking pretty much like tomorrow we’ll be working from home, as Janene has a “nasty” survey that she must get done by day’s end and she’ll (I think) be less distracted here than at the office. Which means that a) I won’t have to get up at the butt crack of dawn, and b) I won’t have to get up at the butt crack of dawn.
Tonight Grandma Cec and Grandpa Harry came out to see the house with my parents, and then we all went up to the Country Club in Mill Creek for dinner – which was, of course, excellent.
Now we’re home – Janene’s in bed reading and falling asleep, and I’m blogging when I should be trying to get her stuff for tomorrow working. Problem being that I need to call IT at Children’s Hospital to get the token up and running, so that she can tunnel in.
And if you don’t know what any of that means, it probably looks really funny!
Anyway, I can’t believe how tired I am at 10:15 – something about shifting my hours all to earlier to bed, earlier to rise. So far I’m tired and poor, and not healthy / wealthy / or particularly wise. If I was wise I’d be in bed right now, instead of writing this amazingly stupid blog entry.
Ho Hum.