Welcome Benjamin Michael Tindall

We have a baby boy!

Benjamin Michael Tindall was born at 4:51 am on Sunday, May 20th.
He weighed in at 9lbs 5oz, and was 20″ long.

Janene went into labor at 3am on Saturday morning. We were admitted to the hospital around 3pm. Janene’s total labor was 23 hours – plus 3 hours of solid pushing every 2-3 minutes. At the end of this ordeal the Drs decided that this guy just wasn’t going to come out without a c-section. So off to the OR it was, and a C-Section was performed. Really amazingly quick.

Since then, we’ve been at the hospital; Janene developed a fever (it hit 102.8 at one point) that got her onto antibiotics. Benjamin has a touch of jaundice, but is doing fine otherwise.

Today (22nd) was a very tough day – he was in a lot of pain, as all of his systems are still coming online (wow – I’m a nerd…). He’s had some stomach cramps that kept him from being comfortable most of the day.

Anyway, we’ll be posting photos on www.thetindallfamily.com as soon as we can – I was going to do that tonight, but the hospital limits what I can do through their wireless connection, and I can’t get in to any of my admin stuff. So tomorrow night it will hopefully be.

Speaking of tomorrow, we’ll probably be headed home tomorrow at some point. Please don’t just drop in on us, at least until we give the ok for that – we would LOVE to see everyone, but we need to pre-approve it via phone to make sure timing is ok. So call Chris’ cell and we’ll set a time to hang out! 🙂

On a side note, since Janene has had a C-Section, we will not be that mobile for a while, as she needs to heal. Chris will be sticking pretty much right at home for at least 2 weeks, as Janene can’t do much (she can do some, but overdoing it would be…BAD.)

Keep your eyes on www.thetindallfamily.com, and we’ll keep you updated! 🙂

Chris, Janene, Benjamin

“Where the HECK has Chris been?”

It’s really quite simple. I’ve been living at the store. Not QUITE literally, but I’m pretty borderline. We now have a full fridge and freezer, a BBQ, Rice Cooker, Crock Pot, Hot Water Pot, and a big utility sink to wash dishes in. Which means that yes – I can stop eating at Jack in the Box! WOOHOO! I’ve already done BBQ Chicken, which was fantastic. With the pans I’ve got, I’m planning on Beef Stroganoff sometime soon – maybe even this weekend.

Speaking of, this weekend is a big party at the store – should be huge, and a lot of fun. Even if it DOES drain the energy out of my body.

I actually took a weekend off, recently. Janene’s birthday weekend, actually. Saturday we went to an antique show at Craven Farm in Snohomish. Then we visited two different Barnes & Noble stores, Main Stree Yarns in Mill Creek, and then we finished the day with dinner at Fred’s Rivertown Alehouse (Philly Cheesesteak…mmmm…..) and movies at home. Sunday we went up to Whidbey Island, where we ate at Knead and Feed, waded out to our hips in the bay at Double Bluff Beach (and saw some crabs that were quite large), did some shopping in Coupeville, hung out and watched the sunset at Ebey’s Landing, and then drove home. It was a fun weekend!

We hit Sumner the following Saturday on our way down to Don & Esther’s house for a working weekend. Sumner was a blast – it was fun to see the “competition” and chat with the other store owners, and Janene found a stack of magazines for $0.50 / ea at Whistle Stop Antique Mall.
I got a lot done that weekend in Union, too – worked on the Country Pleasures website, which is really almost done; also worked on theweedpatchstore.com – which is up and running, and the ecom storefront is really close. It’s got a blog now, which I’ll HAVE to update regularly, so if you care keep an eye there (although it’ll be all store stuff….). Janene made an amazing pillow and a crocheted pumpkin for the newsletter crafts; I finished the newsletter and got it off to the printer, too – October’s newsletter is just gonna be amazing.

Anyway, I just got the Constant Contact email stuff working for the store and sent out our first “working” eNews – it’s really interesting to watch the stats. I can see who opened the email, what they clicked on, etc. Very cool!

Now I’m uploading photos to theweedpatchstore.com to beef up the photo gallery, while I’m working on more projects than I can count. That said, I’ve gotta crash soon – it’s gonna be a LONG weekend.

store, exhausted, family reunion

I’m so weary. My body aches, my energy is drained, I’m not sleeping well, and I just can’t seem to move over this bump in the road.
It has been quite some time since I did ANYTHING online, much less my personal site. The store has kept me extremely busy – more so even than normal due to all our big expansion items. Things are “coming along,” as I’ve started saying. There’s still a lot of finish work that hasn’t yet happened, but things are mostly functional. It will be very nice to get things finished up, though – if nothing else to have them off my plate.
Hopefully that will help reduce my stress load some, and also hopefully maybe I’ll be able to catch up on sleep. Or, since that’s technically not possible, I’l be able to sleep enough to be rested.
The Johnson family reunion is this coming weekened – just a few days away. It’ll be over in Toppenish again this year, where we gbot married. Should be a blast – I really love Janene’s entire family. Gonna be hot, though – weather.com predicts highs near 90. Hopefully there’ll be a nice breeze. Janene and I are planning on camping again, out on the lawn under the big Willow tree, assuming it’s still there. I’m not taking ANYTHING – other than my digital rebel – that’s work related. I need to get some good “country” style scenery, and there’s a bunch there (and on the way!).
Anyway, bottom line: The store is doing very well, and we’re exhausted. Janene’s doing a bunch of art stuff, on top of everything else. I’m working on Jon’s website for Jewelry Resource & Supply, as well as a print catalog for him. I’m in the midst of redoing the store website as well, in addition to writing our newsletter and all the other things that must continue at the store.
And with that, good night!

Happy Birthday, America!

Today is the 4th of July – the holiday celebrating America’s Independance. I’d just like to take a moment and recognize those men and women who have, from times past to times future, stepped up to the plate and sacrified to protect our way of life here in the great USA. Whether the sacrifice is time or more substantial, I cannot express enough how much I appreciate everything that they do.
So thanks, to all of you who have served so selflessly. Spouses, significant others, parents and kids, friends and family – you too.
I, at least, salute you today.

a REALLY boring entry.

Wow – it’s WARM today. It’s a beautiful, rainy day – and it’s gotta go and be all warm. Why is that? I don’t like muggy – everything sticks to everything else, it’s uncomfortable and gross, the air is thick and hard to breath… ugh.

You know, it’s really an interesting thing to have a store. To have to deal with all the bills, marketing, business decisions, partnerships – there’s so many things to get done it’s just mind boggling – and a WHOLE lotta fun.

Just had to throw that in.

So today I put up my dad’s blog for him – on miketindall.com – there’s nothing there yet, and we’ll see just how long it takes to get stuff up. He’s absolutely swamped. But he keeps sending emails with fun links and things, so I told him he should just use blogger. I mean, I do. Sometimes. Yeah.

It’s too muggy to think.

Sporadic is better than nothing….

What a ride the last few weeks have been. We’ve moved – finally got out of our apartment in Northgate at the very end of April (geez…don’t EVEN get me started!). Janene went out of town to California for her annual World at Work Conference. I remodeled the store (with the help of a contractor), so we’re now twice the size – and it looks really freakin’ cool. We’ve added tons of product (and there’s so much more on the way!), and people seem really happy.

The Country Village Merchants Association (CVMA) is up and running – the board (of which I am a part) meets once a week, and we’re really starting to get things rolling, even if it IS a little tough to gain momentum. We’ve got ALL kinds of projects on our plate that are just gonna be insane – but insanely cool, too.

Our house is starting to come together – this weekend we’ve done a bunch of unpacking and organizing, as a start. There’s still a whole bunch left to do, and then the fun starts as we actually get to make it a home and decorate and such.

We’ve moved Jon and Alia to their new place up north (by Mill Creek), and attended Jon’s Grand Opening at Jewelry Resource Supply – his store down in Fremont.

We’ve hired Holly Moe to do our books for the store, so that I don’t have to try to keep up with that. I’m SO excited – I HATE bookwork, and I never have time to keep up with it (or, if I did that, I’d never have time to do anything else…)

The next big projects that are coming up are also really big. We’re fencing in the back patio and putting tons of plants out there, as well as a seating area for the guys. We’re rebuilding the counter and rearranging the upper level of the store, and adding several pieces to the counter area. I will be finishing up the website and getting the ecommerce side of things working, as well as getting a photo gallery and perhaps a forum up. I need to finish Jon’s site, and get his import utility figured out so that he can import products directly from his existing Point of Sale software. I am working on a website for Country Pleasures Magazine, and need to finish that immediately (it’s coming, guys – I promise!). I need to get some pieces working for Janene as she starts prepping her site to sell her art and supplies.

There’s more, but oh well.

This coming Wednesday, the 31st, we’re going to see Les Miserables at the 5th Avenue Theater – I’m very excited, and I THINK Janene’s excited…. It’ll be a REAL LIVE date night, one where we’re not sitting here at home doing whatever – although that’s usually nice, too.

Ok. We’re off to meet my parent’s for breakfast at The Hub here in Snohomish, and then we’ve got massive things to do today. But that’s ok – that’s how it goes! 🙂 Soon we’ll be moved in and unpacked, there will be places for people to sit and relax and eat, and life will be good.

Almost There….

But not quite. We’re finally, as of like 8pm last night, out of our apartment in Northgate. One things off the overfilled plate, but now we actually have to find a place for all that crap – get it organized, garage sale a bunch of it, get it moved in and put away… That’s gonna be a huge project.I know it’s been a long time since I updated – particularly since I want to do it regularly – but holy crap, there’s been so much going on. Bob, I’ll try not to slack so much any more. 🙂

Got a newly formed Merchant’s Assocation at Country Village, which is a lot of work but I think will be a really great thing, once we get it rolling and gain some momentum. I’ve been elected to serve on the first board, which is fun; lots of responsibility and all, but fun too. We’re looking forward to making a lot of good, positive changes.

The house is still awesome – in fact, it’s REALLY awesome. Except for the drunk sing-alongs down at the FOE building and the bar that seem to go all night friday nights. Those kinda suck. But, on the plus side, they ARE funny!

Janene leaves town on Sunday morning for her trip to Cali for her World at Work Conference, which means I’ll be working STUPID insane hours at the store trying to get the expansion going. We’ve got SO many cool new things, and it’s gonna kick some serious donkey once we’re done – but getting there is gonna hurt.

In other VERY exciting news, Bob and Grahame are pregnant again! Fiona is going to be an older sister! We just got the news late last night, but it’s very exciting – congratulations you guys!!!!!! 🙂

Ok. Back to paying bills, so that they’re at least caught up!

The Commuting Experiment, Day Three

We left about the same time as yesterday – unfortunately, I had forgotten that we DESPERATELY needed gas in the Cruiser, which threw a bit of a wrench in things. Enough so that Janene totally missed her bus – and since she had to leave work at 3:30 this afternoon to get up to Kenmore in enough time to get home before people showed up at our house, I took her in because a) it was my fault, b) it really helped her out, and c) it was an unusual day, time-wise.
It’s looking pretty much like tomorrow we’ll be working from home, as Janene has a “nasty” survey that she must get done by day’s end and she’ll (I think) be less distracted here than at the office. Which means that a) I won’t have to get up at the butt crack of dawn, and b) I won’t have to get up at the butt crack of dawn.
Tonight Grandma Cec and Grandpa Harry came out to see the house with my parents, and then we all went up to the Country Club in Mill Creek for dinner – which was, of course, excellent.
Now we’re home – Janene’s in bed reading and falling asleep, and I’m blogging when I should be trying to get her stuff for tomorrow working. Problem being that I need to call IT at Children’s Hospital to get the token up and running, so that she can tunnel in.
And if you don’t know what any of that means, it probably looks really funny!
Anyway, I can’t believe how tired I am at 10:15 – something about shifting my hours all to earlier to bed, earlier to rise. So far I’m tired and poor, and not healthy / wealthy / or particularly wise. If I was wise I’d be in bed right now, instead of writing this amazingly stupid blog entry.
Ho Hum.

Day 2 of our Commute Experiment

So we left 4 minutes later today than yesterday – at 6:34am. Having only 2 days worth of data for the morning commute, it’s hard to say if that 4 minutes was really an extra 12+ minutes, or if yesterday was simply an abnormally light day.

Janene missed her bus this morning, but was able to catch one just as we arrived at the Park and Ride in Kenmore. It’s great, actually, that she can miss a bus or two and still not wait that long. The PROBLEM is that by missing her bus this morning, she missed her transfer at the other end – so she’ll have to wait down there and will get to work later. Bummer on a day that she has very little actual work time due to meetings and such.

Damn Proud.

I got an email from Don Cunningham, my dad-in-law, first thing this morning that really got me thinking. It got me thinking about America, and the things I take for granted. It made me see red at all the a-holes that stand in the street protesting our involvement around the World – and putting down our troops and their sacrifices. I’ve included the email below (I DON’T know if it’s legit or not, as it states – however, I think it’s still valuable and true). And I realize, I’m DAMN proud to be an American. I may not be able to carry a gun to defend our country – I have to rely on others for that. But I sure as hell appreciate those that do. And I (personally) LOATHE those that take this country not only for granted but that whine and complain about how unfair things are, and how poor [insert name] isn’t getting a fair shake in this world.
You know what? Life is hard. Nobody said it would be easy. Nobody said you’d get what you want. Here in America, our lives are BLESSED. We DON’T worry about getting on a bus in the morning for fear of a bomber. We DON’T have an entire nation starving to death or living in our own filth (I’m not saying that people aren’t starving or living in poor conditions – but that’s another rant…). I AM saying SHUT UP and STOP WHINING. We could have nothing. We could live in filth, or be starving, or not have a roof over our heads (much less a beautiful home built in 1900 that has character oozing out of every pore, and happens to be in one of our favorite towns in Washington…), or clothes on our back. We could be scrounging for every meal, every breath.
This is a poem being sent from a Marine to his Dad. For those who take the time to read it, you’ll see a letter from him to his Dad at the bottom. It makes you truly thankful for not only the Marines, but ALL of our troops.
We all came together,
Both young and old
To fight for our freedom,
To stand and be bold.
In the midst of all evil,
We stand our ground,
And we protect our country
From all terror around.
Peace and not war,
Is what some people say.
But I’ll give my life,
So you can live the American way.
I give you the right
To talk of your peace.
To stand in your groups,
and protest in our streets.
But still I fight on,
I don’t bitch, I don’t whine.
I’m just one of the people
Who is doing your time.
I’m harder than nails,
Stronger than any machine.
I’m the immortal soldier,
I’m a U.S. MARINE!

So stand in my shoes,

And leave from your home.
Fight for the people who hate you,
With the protests they’ve shown.
Fight for the stranger,
Fight for the young.
So they all may have,
The greatest freedom you’ve won.
Fight for the sick,
Fight for the poor
Fight for the cripple,
Who lives next door.
But when your time comes,
Do what I’ve done.
For if you stand up for freedom,
You’ll stand when the fight’s done.
By: Corporal Aaron M. Gilbert, US Marine CorpsUSS SAIPAN, PERSIAN GULF
March 23, 2003
Hey Dad,
Do me a favor and label this “The Marine” and send it to everybody on your email list. Even leave this letter in it. I want this rolling all over the US; I want every home reading it. Every eye seeing it. And every heart to feel it. So can you please send this for! me? I would but my email time isn’t that long and I don’t have much time anyway. You know what Dad? I wondered what it would be like to truly understand what JFK said in His inaugural speech.
“When the time comes to lay down my life for my country, I do not cower from this responsibility. I welcome it.”
Well, now I know. And I do. Dad, I welcome the opportunity to do what I do. Even though I have left behind a beautiful wife, and I will miss the birth of our first born child, I would do it 70 times over to fight for the place that God has made for my home. I love you all and I miss you very much. I wish I could be there when Sandi has our baby, but tell her that I love her, and Lord willing, I will be coming home soon. Give Mom a great big hug from me and give one to yourself too.
FREEDOM isn’t FREE … someone pays for you and me.

A very strange little link.

From a friend, I at least got quite a chuckle… http://notice.ytmnd.com/
In other news, what a sweet day today has been. I got the media room set up (had to have a TV for the Comcast guy to test the connection – and good thing, too, as the outside cable didn’t work and had to be replaced), so we now have music throughout the house…nice!
Been sitting here since then working on store stuff, and realizing JUST how far behind I am on things. Oye – gonna be a late several nights.
The NICE part about the day has been the wonderful, warm sun and the choo-choo of the train off in the distance. It’s starting to overcast up now, but that’s ok – it has been a good day.

Thanks for the move!

What a weekend!

The move went quite well, I think. Well, about as expected, I suppose. Nobody got seriously injured (other than being out of shape and using muscles that need to be exercised far more often – at least for myself…), nothing got broken or damaged, and 95% of the apartment got moved over to the house – and much of that got moved in, or at least put in the appropriate room.

Had some great food, and it was definitely fun to see friends and family.

Easter was a lot of fun, and was as we felt it should be. We had 14 people here at the house, plus two cute little girls (hi Elise and Fiona!); we had a feast, lots of laughs, and generally a good time. Janene got a headache – perhaps just from stress and letdown and emotions going up and down so much – but by the time she crawled into bed it seemed to be better, and this morning seemed to be gone (from my perspective, anyway…)

The house is wonderful – it definitely has it’s little quirks, and it needs a really deep clean (the cleaning lady that came in didn’t do a FANTASTIC job – she did a mostly ok surface clean…) so that’s pretty high up on the list of priorities. We have several things we’re going to need to purchase (some lighting for Janene’s studio, some furniture pieces, drapes, etc.) but overall things are really great.

I’m sitting here waiting for the Comcast guy to get here, so that I can get online – in the meantime, I’m piggybacking on someone else’s unsecured wireless connection. It’s amazing that just about everywhere I go I can do that – kinda funny, kinda scary.

I do still have a ton of photos to clean up and get into the gallery – that’ll be another couple of weeks probably. I have a bunch from our trip, and from ArtFest, as well as some great ones from Easter here at the house. Oh, and there’s a bunch ‘o baby chicks running around Country Village that I got some good pictures of, so I’ll be sure to post those in, too.

I can’t believe how far behind I am on things, and how much is going on – the store expansion is flying up on us so quickly it’s just nuts. On top of that is still moving in and getting settled into the house, which is fun but definitely work.

Thank you all, who helped with the move, so much. We (obviously, and literally) couldn’t have done it without all your help and effort.

We’re looking forward to “many moons” of fun, laughter, and life in this house, and you’re all welcome to come by any time!