About Chris Tindall

More than you ever wanted to know, I'd wager

This is My Story

Well.  Maybe it’s not my story.  Right now I feel like that amount of writing is probably not going to happen.  But whatever.

Obviously, my name is Chris.  I’m a total geek, and I – honestly – view myself as somewhere in the range of 12 years old.  Despite that, mostly because physically I’m not actually 12, my life is crazy busy.  

I, along with my wife, own a retail gift shop located here in Union, Washington.  We’re called The Weed Patch – and no, it’s not that.  We’re a country shop, selling gifts, cards, candy, and home decor.  We’re online, on our own platform, on Ebay, and Etsy….  My wife is also an artist, and we have an additional Etsy shop for that – and the retail shop is her working studio.

We moved down to Union, out on Hood Canal, close to 7 years ago.  Since then, we’ve been pseudo-homeless while we’ve had to remodel a house from the ground up.  That journey grows ever closer to its end, and then life can move on, whatever that means.

We attend and are deeply involved in our church.  Since moving down to this area, I have personally experienced many challenges that have led to a lot of personal and spiritual growth.  I’m nowhere near where I know I need to be, but one day at a time.   I’m in leadership on the youth team, and have found my passion in the youth.  I mean, after all, I’m 12, so I guess it makes sense.  The things that I have learned from the mouths of the young could fill a volume.  Sadly, since I’m not actually 12, I feel like I’m constantly forgetting those lessons and such.  I guess that means I’m doomed to keep learning them over and over again.

My other passion at this point is Dungeons and Dragons.  I’m a firm believer in the benefits of playing this together as friends.  I have seen SO much personal development happen in my kids as a direct result of this game.  I have made some amazing friends.  As the DM, and running the games, I get to world build.  Tell stories,  Make maps.  Craft terrain, 3d print minis (and learn to 3d model) and terrain pieces and so much more.