Jebeddo Kreesp

Jebeddo Kreesp is a male gnome paladin who is currently the top dog in charge of the bandit camp located at the old lumber camp. He is currently working as a mercenary at said camp, which is overseen by the Zhentirim for a 3rd party.
Jeb also has ties to Kiri’s group – at least, the heroes found a signet ring with that logo hidden in his quarters. Additionally, despite being the one who orchestrated their capture (I mean, they literally walked in to his camp and tried to sell him goods they had stolen from …. their prisoners, who were members of his bandit group), he also was the one who help cover their bumbling attempts to escape on more than one occassion.

Gendithas Firpride

Gendithas Firpride is a Firbolg Ranger.
The Heroes don’t know much about this quiet giant, whom they rescued from the airship drop site at the bandit camp.
They do know that he and his companion, an elf named Zindan, are affiliated with Kiri and her group. They were sent to investigate the owlbear – one of two teams sent out who vanished.
They were captured by the bandits led by Jeb and were subsequently imprisoned in a cage with an anti-magic field to keep them from escaping.
Gendithas has accompanied the party, and been a strong asset in several violent altercations, but mostly stays to himself.

Map of the Wilderness, Current Day

Jebeddo Kreesp
Jebeddo Kreesp is a male gnome paladin who is currently the top dog in charge of the bandit camp located at the old lumber camp. He is currently working as a mercenary at said camp, which is overseen by the Zhentirim for a 3rd party. Jeb also has ties to Kiri's group...

Gendithas Firpride
Gendithas Firpride is a Firbolg Ranger. The Heroes don't know much about this quiet giant, whom they rescued from the airship drop site at the bandit camp. They do know that he and his companion, an elf named Zindan, are affiliated with Kiri and her group. They were...